High-Performance Cryogenic Orbit Transfer Spacecraft (OTS)
Bifröst High-Performance Cryogenic Orbit Transfer Spacecraft (OTS)
Bifröst is an orbital transfer spacecraft powered by NFA’s 3D printed, full-flow staged combustion, LOX/LNG Mjölnir engine - and optimized for small satellites and NASA “Venture Class” launch vehicles.
From low Earth orbit, a 3,000 lb. gross weight Bifröst enables rapid Hohmann transfers of:
400 lb. payloads to geostationary orbit;
200 lbs. to any location in cislunar space; or
110 lbs. to Venus transfer, Mars transfer or Earth escape velocity.
Key Benefits
The high-performance engine enables the design of a small and lightweight OTS due to its performance and the high bulk density of LOX/LNG fuel, which is over twice that of LOX/LH2 fuels. This level of performance and dense propellants allow for the delivery of a reliable, long-life, light-weight, and low-cost OTS with key performance parameters:
Powered by a high-performance full-flow staged combustion engine
Higher thrust and Delta v than the competition
Throttleable thrust from 30% to 100%
Autogenous pressurization with unlimited zero-g restarts
Access to all Earth, Lunar and cislunar orbits
Faster transfers to the libration points
Proprietary zero-boiloff technology
Bifröst has the potential to evolve from a transfer stage into a lunar lander - and ultimately a refuelable and fully re-usable OTS. From LEO a 3,000 lb gross OTS can deploy a 400 lb payload to GEO and over 200 lbs to any location in cislunar space, including Earth escape velocity.
For more information go to the NASA Tech Portal.
A 3,000 lb OTS enables responsive military access throughout cislunar space for space domain awareness and other missions.
Bifröst has a small form factor optimized for launch inside the fairing of venture-class vehicles.
The Mjölnir engine will be available for Bifröst, lunar lander, or related capabilities in 2024.

Bifröst High-Performance Cryogenic Lunar Lander
Bifröst High-Performance Cryogenic Lunar Lander
Key Benefits
The Bifröst Lander’s high-performance Mjölnir engine enables the soft landing of large payloads (hundreds of kg) on the lunar surface due to both the performance of its pump-fed engine and the high bulk density of its LOX/LNG propellants. This level of performance and dense propellants allow delivery of a reliable, long-life, light-weight, and low-cost lunar lander with key performance metrics:
• Powered by a high-performance full-flow staged combustion engine
• Access to all lunar regions (e.g., poles, back side)
• Potential for sample return
Affordable and rapidly produced Bifröst landers can deliver near-term missions to the Moon in support of Artemis, including:
• Pre-arrival landing site survey
• Complementary data collection
• Complementary sample return
• Less than a week from launch to landing
• Heavier payloads to the surface than competitors
• Potential for commercial product return